Unconditional Loving

Whenever I hold my littlest one in my arms, I am always bombarded with the meaning of unconditional love in its truest form.

Her tiny body packed with so much vulnerability has a way of hitting my innermost core like I have been rocked by a time bomb. The little hand that grasps mine with absolute trust fills me with such breathlessness that I know that I’d go to hell and back than let any harm come to her. And even the hectic schedule of night feedings, constant diaper changes and round-the-clock crying is never enough to dampen my love. The thought that she is mine to keep, fills me with warmth on the coldest nights. The realization that she is here with me makes me forget my fears and insecurities, even if it is for a little while.

Reflecting on the love I have for my daughter (and all my children) gives me a glimpse into my heavenly Father’s love for me. I begin to understand what God says about him loving us with an everlasting love. Every morning when my kids wake up from sleep, I imagine God giggling with uncontained joy inspired by love as he ushers us into a new day filled with so many amazing opportunities. I imagine his warm breath gurgling down from the heavens like a pot overfilled with boiling hot water. I imagine him breathless as we take time to make him first in our day, trusting in his unfailing love.

Sure, I am sometimes suspicious of his love for me, more so because I know I am not deserving of such attention. Yet he reminds me again and again, through the experiences of love that I have for my imperfect children, that he loves me. That he has always loved me. And that he’ll never stop. He has loved us with an everlasting love either we believe it or not. He loves us so much that he takes his time to create every single one of us. We are all custom made with his own wonderful specifications…even Identical twins are still created different from each other. He sends us to a world where evil never rests. But even then, he has prepared experiences for each one of us so that we can call on him, and when we do, he never fails to answer. In the midst of our troubles, he is rocked with intense love when we grab his hand in trust, believing that he will take care of our situations no matter what. Our stubborn hearts filled with continuing desire to do evil is not enough to dampen his love for us. The sounds we make, be it from grief or from joy makes him remember that we are His, and that he’ll go to hell and back to save us from all harm. And that is exactly what he did many many years back, coming to earth as man to die in our place.

What love. What amazing love

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Miyeid
    Mar 16, 2011 @ 14:04:30

    Amazing work! Sister.i Suggest you tittle it BOUNDLESS LOVE.


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