For Mom, on her Birthday

Eloquence has a funny way of departing when you most need it, just like right now as I sit here thinking of God’s goodness: his gift of you to me to be the woman who birthed me; mentored me; taught me the importance of hard work and self respect; and the need to love God with all my heart. You are the woman I proudly call Mom. You are forever irreplaceable.

And I do not blame eloquence’ disappearance for it is only fair for it to depart since joyful excitement has possessed my emotions as I reflect on the fact that you clock 60 today.  

Scriptures says of you that your Children will rise up and call you blessed, and though you are already blessed because of Christ’s special love for you, I still rise up and shout along with my siblings and their children that you are Blessed.  

Happy Birthday Mom. Praying for Long life, Health, sound mind, Joy, Peace and every good thing you wish for to engulf you from now on and for the many more years that your heavenly Father has given you and Dad.

I love you.

Happy birthday.

How God says “Wassup”

I’ve written about my Niece before.  Her name is Morin and she’s this little cutie, now age 6 with the wisdom of a 93 year old. Honestly, the things this girl spews out of her mouth….it leaves me completely baffled.  Anyway, here’s something she did recently that I read off my sister’s (her Mom’s) post on Facebook.

The story goes that Morin was reading her ‘handbook’ aka the mysterious bible on the palm of her hand(which, by the way, only she can see) and she goes, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will SUP with him…..”

The word SUP has her mom curious, so she interrupts her to ask, “What does SUP mean?”

And Morin, ever the confident diva goes, “It means Jesus wants to say “What’s up?”

So here I am, imagining a scene of the Heavenly Father nodding his head hiphop style and going, “My son/Daughter, Wassup?”  And methinks it’s a believable, realistic scene of God because you know what? He’s just cool like that :). Infact, He invented cool.

So the next time you hear the word SUP from your heavenly Father, perhaps during your quiet moments with Him. don’t be alarmed. It’s just God checking up on you.

Have an awesome 2012 full of God’s SUPs :). I know I will.